the process log of the first try.
the new collectable (webshop)
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the (logbook)

The project title: the new collectables,

In this project I worked with the meaning of urgency. What this entails to me, is that people in general keep coming back to the same subject. An example that may clarify this, is a cookbook.
This is something that you can use repeatedly and therefore it
stays urgent.
The subject that I choose to work with is art. To be more specific, how the aura of the art changes when it is put in a new context. With this subject the design question that I tried to work with was ‘what defines an aura?’. Next to this, with the coming of social media, there are so many copies and pictures taken of art and new art is being made almost every day. So ‘how can you be authentic?’ is another question that came up. After doing some research I found that authenticity of an artwork is more than just the autograph, it is about the feeling and ambience around an artwork and the story behind it.
Therefore, I choose to focus on not the art itself but everything around it and what is it then what people find attractive and collect worthy; this is how I concluded that the story of an artwork is what makes art original nowadays. This is what people want to collect.
I chose to go for a web-shop as another factor of the appreciation of art is the price that is attached to it.

To reflect on this project, I can say that I got behind on the development of the learning goal, as I would have liked to do code. However due to my indecisiveness I run out of time. When reflecting might have made the wrong chooses by not focusing on this aspect as I got lost while developing the concept. Therefor if I could have changed anything I would have started earlier on this aspect.
However, I believe that I got an answer to my design question according to the research that I have done. Even if my process was chaotic and there are somethings that I would like to improve, I am proud of the end result.


1. The delivery shows a poor understanding of the effects of the content, materials and techniques used.

2. The delivery shows emergent development of an own design process, next to little experiments and prototypes with technologies, techniques, materials and visual aspects.

3.The delivery shows that the student has evaluated their own development, but it offers an emerging starting point for further innovation, growth, and not in relation to a deepening in the professional field.

4. The delivery shows that the student has organised their own learning, working, and production processes and a methodology that is somewhat regognizable but misses a link to the content and materials used.

Additional Feedback:

In your project you question the aura of an artwork in our digital \'instagram\' age and argue that the descriptions become more important. We recognize this position in the printed cards where the images are shown very small and a brief description of the artwork is shown. Also the idea of an aura is present through the colored balls.

How these aura balls editorially connect to your topic and other design choices does not become clear. Are they more decorations? Are they a way to navigate? Next to that we miss a wider range of experiments of how to express this idea that the description is most important, playing with bigger/bolder text and other typographic elements.

When looking at the digital version a connecting between the actual content of your publication and this core part of your website is missing. The sources are presented as seperate clustered by topics. There is no visual or editorial connection between the sources and the rest of the website or the post cards. Also visually the sources are not developed enough. In the typography there are no editorial decisions (what is more important? the lines run very long etc).

The second try